In Monday Motivation

Motivation Monday

Happy Monday friends!

I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! I want to share something motivating & fun that I have been loving lately: the Jawbone UP24 fitness tracker. Health and fitness have always been very important to me, not only because I like to look good but because I like to feel healthy & my best. My favorite activities lately have been hot yoga at Haute Yoga Palm Beach & also running. I have always been a 3 mile jogger but recently, thanks to a friend, I have been running about 6 miles, 3-4 times a week. The UP24 bracelet allows me to track my steps, workouts, sleep, & food intake with one bracelet/app. Let me explain with pictures below…


The bracelet is available in several colors & sizes. Mine is black & size small. I wear it next to my watch & I like how it isn’t too big, like some of the other fitness trackers out there. It doesn’t have a digital read but you can see all your results with bluetooth right to your iPhone or Android.


The above picture is the home screen when you open the app, it shows your sleep & movement. It also gives you fun facts & tips to better your health. If you click the purple column on the left the picture below shows up…

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The orange means I was awake, the darker blue is deep sleep, & the lighter blue is light sleep. It also shows your last week in sleep, I have my goal set to 8 hours. There is also an option to set alarms. For example, if I need to wake up at 7:30am, I just set my alarm & if I am in a light sleep cycle 20 minutes before my 7:30 alarm, my bracelet will start to vibrate to wake me up. Waking up in a light sleep cycle, allows a person to wake up the most refreshed, rather than during a deep sleep cycle & waking up groggy & tired.

If you are on the home screen & click the orange column on the right, your step/movement stats show up (picture below). On Sunday, I woke up early & went for a 6 mile run, putting me at about 11k steps before 9am! It also shows if you were idle for too long & how many calories burned. Just like your sleep, it shows your movement over the previous week & whether you hit your goal. My step goal is set to 10,000 steps, but I am thinking maybe I should bump it up to 12,000 looking at my weekly average.

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You can also enter activities, such as yoga, tennis, cross-training, elliptical, etc, as well as your food intake. I don’t do this as often because I find it a bit time consuming & I just try to eat healthy and as natural as possible when possible. Therefore, I don’t really feel the need to enter each food item to the app. However, if you are trying to lose weight or get better about mindless snacking/eating, I think entering your food would help stay on track.

Another fun feature about the app (available in the App Store & Google Play) is that it allows you to have teammates. You can see, share & comment on your friends’ activity, which is just as motiving or more as seeing your own results.

Have I convinced you to get one yet?

Depending on the size & color the bracelets range from $59-$130



Thanks for reading and following along! I love sharing my jewelry, personal style, & events with all of you!