1 In my style

How to wear it: Denim on Denim

denim on denim

As you can see above, denim on denim is definitely a current hot trend. However, it can be a tricky and sometimes intimidating look to pull off. If this is a trend you have been nervous to try but love the look, I am here to help!

In order to keep the look chic and easy, my main tip is to mix light and dark denim (see below). For example, if you have super dark jeans, wear a light denim top or vice versa. I also love a dark denim shirt over white jeans. For the shoes, you can wear just about any type, but my favorite is definitely a cute ankle bootie with these looks.how to wear itThe red necklace, is a one I made last week out of red coral, sterling silver wire, and a red Tibetan cross. I think the red is a great compliment to the denim. Leave a comment on this post or email me if you are interested in the necklace!

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  • 雪纺连衣裙
    April 18, 2013 at 10:18 pm

    thanks for sharing.How to wear it: Denim on Denim | VeryAllegra gave me much help.

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