Gold Choker: Allegra Fanjul
Crane & Lion Sports Bra, Tank < current fave! > Leggings, Long Sleeve Tee
Sneakers: Adidas
Hi friends!
Happy Monday! I figured what better day than a Monday to share a cute new workout outfit & an update of my workout routine. It’s after the weekend and most of us have the intention of starting the week off healthy, especially if we indulged over the weekend. I don’t know about you but something that helps motivate my workouts is a new workout outfit…is that just me?! I doubt it is, who doesn’t want a cute (and comfortable) look when working out…This Crane & Lion ensemble is just that.
About this Crane & Lion look…
For those of you in Palm Beach, Crane & Lion opened a retail store (located here) a few months ago and it is workout chic at its finest. I highly recommend heading there for an inspiring new look. Not in Palm Beach?! No problem, you can shop their pieces online & when you subscribe to their newsletter, you receive 20% off your first order! I am currently obsessed with this white tank. It is cut just right and made of 100% prima cotton that is sooo comfy! Definitely going to be collecting several of these. The leggings are also fab! I picked the mid rise 7/8 tight in navy and as you can see they are the perfect length and I love the higher waist. Also, the mesh detail is spot on.
My workout update…
If you have been reading my blog for the last few weeks you know that I started Kayla Itsines’ Beach Bikini Guide. You can read about the program & when I started < here > The program is 12 weeks consisting of 3 days of 30 minute high intensity intervals; one day is legs/cardio, another is arms/abs, & the third is full body, which pulls from the first two. On the other days, you are supposed to do about 40-45 minutes of low intensity cardio (walking, running, cycling, yoga, etc) with one rest day. Therefore, it is 6 out of 7 days a week doing exercise. I know that may sound like a lot but once you get used to it, you don’t think much about it. Even though the workouts kick my butt, they are over before you know it, making them totally doable.
I downloaded & subscribed to the app in the app store (you get the first week free!)
Today is the start of week 7, which means I made it halfway!! I can’t believe it, it has definitely taken some serious motivation and dedication but it has been so worth it. I love having a schedule (the app also includes a workout planner allowing you to check off workouts) and I am happy to say that I have started to see some results. My arms are definitely more tone, and some upper abs are making an appearance. But overall, I feel slimmer (and stronger!) and being on the schedule keeps my eating habits in check. I have been starting each week by meal prepping some roasted veggies and other snacks to have on hand whenever hunger strikes. I am working on a meal prepping post, coming soon!
If you are in a workout rut and want something that is quick but an AWESOME workout, this beach bikini guide is definitely for you.