Hi guys!
Today, I am sharing a satisfying Purple Peanut Butter Smoothie recipe with a surprise ingredient. I am also sharing some of my go-to healthy habits. Some of these I practice everyday, some I just started and hope to continue. I don’t consider myself a health expert by any means or even healthy all the time. Health is just something that has always interested me and I love learning new things. I try my best to live a well balanced life, so I can truly enjoy moments of indulgence without hesitation. But I’ve also learned, it’s easier said than done.
Below are some tips/tricks/healthy habits that I’ve been trying to work on the last few months. Like I said, I am not a health expert. These tips have helped me find a new self appreciation and figured I would share in case they could help you too! xo
The F*ck It Diet Mentality
Back in June, I decided to download the audiobook version of The F*ck It Diet. I started listening to it in the car, on walks with my dog, Charlie, and even while making jewelry. Instantly, I felt that I could relate and thought it was very eye-opening. I couldn’t believe how much my “dieting” habits were actually causing me more harm than good. Before listening to this book, I would live my life trying to be extra, extra healthy during the week so that I could have “cheat” weekends. However, mentally I felt like I was in a never ending restrictive/binge cycle. I was tired of it and decided – NO MORE.
+ Learn to listen to your body
The F*ck It Diet made me realize that I needed to quit the habit of labeling food “good/bad,” “healthy/unhealthy,” “clean/not clean,” etc… It also taught me the importance of listening to my body and what it really wants, when it wants. In the past, I would never listen to my body if it wanted a sandwich or anything that was not a salad for lunch, I would still order a salad. This would leave me never feeling satisfied and would result in an afternoon snack craving and anxiety. I would probably end up eating more by dinner time then I would have if I would have just eaten the sandwich.
Now, I’ve learned to ask myself “what am I really craving?” and then I enjoy it slowly until I’m satisfied. Sometimes, I am craving a salad, sometimes it’s a turkey sandwich or sushi, however, making the conscious effort to feed and listen to my body is a great feeling. It is something that has taken a lot practice and I’m still working on it (I probably will always need to) but it has helped me look at food (and my body) differently. Overall, I have started to feel less anxious when it comes to food and appreciate myself more.
+ Move your body
I’ll admit, I am the type that used to get obsessed, and I mean obsesssssssed, with different workouts. I would do that workout 3, 4, or 5 times a week for a few months and then it’s see ya never…I would get burnt out and start to dread the workouts. Then, I never return because I find a new workout to become obsessed with and the cycle starts all over again. However, about 2 years ago I started going to pilates a few times a week and I still love it. I used to do so many high intensity workouts that if I never do a burpee again I’ll be happy. In my opinion, Pilates is the perfect mix of strengthening, toning, and stretching. My posture is better, my core feels stronger, and my flexibility has improved.
Instead of stressing over my workouts, I look at them as a way to move my body in a way that feels good. This summer, I have been going to pilates 3-4 times a week, running 2-3 miles with Charlie 1-2 times a week and walking (45-60 mins) with Charlie 2-3 a week. Not sure how long this routine will last but at the moment it feels good. If I don’t want to workout, I don’t workout. Remember listen to your body!
+ Stop looking towards an end goal
Another unhealthy habit I’ve been trying to break this summer is looking towards an end goal. Whether it’s your best friend’s wedding, a tropical vacation, or even a party, setting an unrealistic goal for your diet/weight/dress size etc will only cause you stress and take away from enjoying the moment. I used to always do this before trips and special events and I realized that even if I hit “my goal,” I usually still feel self-conscious and distracted due to the restrictive/diet behavior I endured leading up.
Instead, I have been trying to redirect my focus and look at being healthy as a lifestyle without an end date. Most days, I want to move my body and eat healthy. Sometimes I don’t want to move or sometimes I want a cookie or ice cream instead of salad and that’s OKAY. Giving yourself the permission to listen to your body is truly a freeing way of living your life.
+ Drink h2o
I know, I know, another blog just telling you to drink water. But it’s true, drinking water is the key to glowing skin and feeling good. Personally, I could never keep the habit of drinking warm water with lemon every morning. However, I do drink a liter of water in the morning before taking even a SIP of my morning coffee. Then throughout the day I typically drink 3-4 more liters of water. If a few days go by without my usual water intake, I get headaches and can totally notice a difference in my skin and hair.
In the afternoon, I usually have water with 1 tsp to 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar & juice from 1 lemon. Read about apple cider vinegar benefits here.
+ Stop Comparing
Stop comparing yourself to others and thinking, I should be doing/eating/wearing this or that. When you consciously stop comparing yourself to others, you will realize you can be so much more creative, productive, and happy. Comparison is a slippery slope that takes you away from enjoying the present moment.
+ try and cook at home more often
When you prepare your own food, it not only makes you appreciate what you are eating, it is an easy way to be a bit healthier. Most of the time, if you make the same dish at home that you would eat out, it’s going to be healthier. Cooking even just a few meals at home a week is a simple way to live a healthier lifestyle. Try my Asian Salmon Rice Bowl, my kale salad, or check out my Pinterest for more recipe ideas. Also, the smoothie below is great for breakfast on the go, it is filling and fiber packed.
Purple Peanut Butter Smothie Recipe

- 1 heaping cup of frozen blueberries
- 1/4 cup fresh or frozen raspberries
- 1/2 cup frozen riced cauliflower
- 2 scoops Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides
- 1/4 tsp Pearl Powder (optional)
- 1 Tsp Fiber powder or 1 Tbsp Chia Seeds
- 2 Tbsp Powdered Peanut Butter or 1 Tbsp regular Peanut or Almond Butter
- 1/4 cup full fat oat milk (I love Oatly)
- 1 cup water
- 1 large handful ice
- 1 Tsp of Bee Pollen
- 3 spoonfuls of Happy Inside Cereal
- Hemp Seeds, nuts, granola, chia seeds, more berries, banana, cacao nibs
- Add all the ingredients into a high speed blender and blend until smooth.
- Pour into glass and add toppings. Enjoy!
- + I also use oat milk in my morning coffee so I use 1/4 cup for flavor in my smoothies and then the rest water.
- + No, you can’t taste the cauliflower! But It does add thickness and extra fiber to the smoothie.
- + I like to use powdered peanut butter in my smoothies because it adds a serious PB flavor.
- + Pearl Powder is a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and is supposed to be great for hair, skin, and nails.